Monday, October 14, 2013

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins!

It was very important to me that we took Jack to a pumpkin patch this year, after last year's "Quick, take his picture with the pumpkins at Fred Meyer" experience.  For the last few weeks we've been talking about pumpkins, reading books about pumpkins, learning how pumpkins  grow, and on Saturday we finally got to go to the pumpkin patch!  And what a perfect day for it!  Jack loved the tractor, the hay ride, picking up pumpkins, finding one of his own, it was fantastic!

We started with a wheelbarrow ride to the field

Then took a hay ride to the pumpkin patch

Then we searched for just the right one

And finally, the must-have family pumpkin patch photo :)

 Here we were 2 years ago, it's amazing how fast life goes by!