Monday, February 27, 2012

Learning every day

It is so fun so watch Jack learn new skills.  He discovered two new things on Friday; #1 he can make a screeching-squealing-yelling noise and #2 when he pushes down on the penguin it makes the balls spin.  So much new entertainment!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

5 Months

Our little man is 5 months old! I know I continue to say this each month, but it's so true - Jack is an absolute blessing in our lives and has brought so much love into our world.  At 5 months old he is:
  • Rolling over both ways
  • Jumping in the Johnny Jump-Up
  • Sitting on his own for a few seconds
  • Very interested in the dogs 
  • Eating formula, rice cereal and yams
  • Wearing 6 month clothes (except for socks - he has monster feet!)
He can play independently in his exersaucer or on his playmat and we love to see his mind taking in and learning new things every minute as he plays. 

Another month under his belt!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Poor little bug

I knew it would happen but that hasn't made it any easier - Jack's first cold.  And you can tell he's part Texan because this has been a "go big or go home" kind of cold.  What started out as congestion turned into Bronchitis (which is much better as of today) but the poor little guy still has a cough.  He has to use a nebulizer machine three times a day which isn't pleasant for him or for us but he has been such a trooper.  I told myself I wouldn't be the crazy parent that calls the doctor about every little runny nose or cough but all bets are off when your child is sick, however I'm pretty sure I've talked to them enough that they should charge me an extra co-pay.   We are praying that he gets better soon so we can happily send the nebulizer machine back to the doctor's office.

I did get a darling little smile out of him this morning which hopefully means he's on the mend.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


The next food we tried was yams and it was a much bigger hit than rice cereal! 

I have decided to try to make as much of Jack's baby food as I can.  I'm honestly not sure how long I'll be able to (or want to) keep this up, but it's kinda fun for now.  Especially since steaming and mashing up one yam will last him a few weeks at this point.  (He's only eating "real" food at one meal a day).  Every new stage is so much fun with Jack!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy boy

I love this kid!

First cereal

I have been absolutely itching to start Jack on solids.  I'm not sure why - it's messy, it takes longer to eat, and there's a lot more clean-up involved - but I was still super excited!  We finally did it and what an experience it was!  I'm almost positive that Jack only swallowed a spoonful worth of cereal, but it was so much fun!

He wasn't too sure what we were trying to do...

But then he started to get the hang of it...

And even wanted to help!


Happy 29th birthday to me!  I had a whole weekend filled with birthday love and surprises.  Starting off with a dinner at my mom's place with some family and friends (which was a surprise to me!)
The next day was nice relaxing day with a shopping trip BY MYSELF and a wonderful sushi dinner with Paul.

Jack even picked out a card for me!