Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer fun!

I know it's not officially summer yet, but the weather has been so nice that it sure feels like it is!  I love our new house and all the extra room we have, but I am most thankful for our yard.  Watching Jack play and run and find bugs and get dirty and drive his trucks through the yard makes me such a happy mom.  Our upstairs deck is a perfect play area for him while I'm making dinner (much better than him pulling on my leg) and today we brought his water table up to add to the fun.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

The end of an era

Last week was Jack's final preschool day of the year.  He and I have been attending a co-op preschool through North Seattle Community College since he was 4 months old and it has been fabulous in every way!  At first it was just an hour and a half every week that I got to spend with other adults while Jack rolled around next to other babies, but it turned into much more than that.  I made friends, Jack made friends, we both learned songs, Jack learned routines (his favorite routine being as soon as the teacher sings "scarves in the basket" that means it's time to wash hands and have SNACK!), and it was his first introduction to school.  School has always been a place I love - I love to learn, to teach, and to be part of new experiences.  Of course I want Jack to do well in school but even more than that I want him to love school like I did (and still do).  I pray that he is confident in his abilities, comfortable with himself, and has a desire to learn.  That's not too much to ask of a toddler, is it?

My fuzzy-headed little guy on his first day of co-op.  January, 2012
And here he is on his last day of co-op, looking so grown up!