Tuesday, January 24, 2012

4 Months

Jack is 4 months old and I know I say this all the time but I really can't believe how much he's growing and changing every day!  He brings so much joy to us and his little smile just makes my heart melt.

At 4 months old he is smiling, giggling a little, rolling over, grabbing toys (and my hair), making lots of noises, and interested in everything.  He loves to stand and is learning how to use his Johnny Jump Up, he plays in his exersaucer and loves anything that lights up.  The songs that always make him smile are The Itsy Bitsy Spider, The Noble Duke of York, and Open Shut.

One of my favorite things is listening to him wake up in the morning.  He's been "talking" to the animals on his mobile for the last week or so and it's such a heart-warming noise to wake up to.  We are so very blessed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Snow day!

What did we do on Jack's first snow day?  We walked to Starbucks of course!  I was so concerned about him being too cold that he was sweating from all the layers of clothes and blankets when we got home.  :-) 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Jack's BFF

Cameron Christian Gacayan was born on December 31, 2011.  7 pounds, 20 inches of perfectness! 
 I have known Laura for almost 15 years, she is my best friend, and I am thrilled that we are beginning this crazy new stage of our life - motherhood - together.

Jack slept through meeting Cameron in the hospital but they hung out and bonded a week later...definitely BFFs, definitely. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What we find entertaining

I can't help but laugh every time we do this!