Thursday, March 21, 2013

Time for an update!

Alright, we're back!  I know it's been a while but we've been busy.  For the last month I've been playing Real Estate Agent with our rental property but as of this last weekend we signed a lease the the tenants will be moving in next weekend.  You know what I have to say about that?  PRAISE THE LORD!!

Jack turned 18 months old today - a year and a half, really?!?!  He is absolutely amazing, the light of our lives and I'm pretty positive he's a genius.  I know I'm biased but seriously he's so darn smart!  What is he doing?  Well he...
  • Counts from 1 to 10
  • Identifies written numbers from 1 to 10 (even when they're not in order!)
  • Identifies and name colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, gray, brown, black and white
  • Says 2 and 3-word phrases, his favorites right now are "big truck", "front door", and "Bye Daddy's truck" 
  • Eats. Eats. Eats.  As you can see, he's not lacking nutrition :)  He loves fruit, cheese, bread, peanut butter, corn, hummus, and will at least try most things.
His new favorite word is "okay".  It is so cute when he says it and he uses it in the appropriate situation!

What does he love?  OUTSIDE!!  Ever since we moved into our new house, what I hear all day is, "outside? outside? Jack outside?".  I'm pretty sure this kid could live outside.  He also loves books and trucks, actually anything with wheels - strollers, cars, trucks, tricycles. 

I promise I will try to blog more regularly now that we're getting settled and into more of a routine in our new place. 

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