Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas recap

We always have quite a busy Christmas season and this year was no exception.  Between family celebrations, traditions Paul and I have started together, and now traditions with Jack, we keep a pretty packed December calendar.  Here's a recap of our pre-Christmas celebrations:

Of course we had to visit Santa's reindeer

Then we took a trip over the river and through the woods with my mom and Norm to have Christmas in Yakima with my brother and his family.

It's always quite entertaining to get all three kids to sit still (and smile at the same time if we're lucky).  God bless Cohen for smiling the entire time, even while Emmery's finger is up his nose.

Jack wasn't a fan of pumpkin pie, but absolutely LOVED feeding it to Ya Ya!

Next on the agenda was a tradition that Paul and I started while we were dating.  Each year we pick a different park (or beach) to watch the Christmas Ships and this year we bundled up and headed over to the Kirkland waterfront.  Afterwards we went out to an Irish pub for dinner and our non-meat-eating-kid ate almost a whole plate of chicken fingers!  He surprises us ever day :)

In addition to these events we also celebrated with our PEPS friends, went to Gymboree (Daddy came too, hooray!), put together and delivered a food basket to the YMCA, drove to some beautiful Christmas lights, made cookies, and spent quality time together just the three of us.  What a magical Christmas season!

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