Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Our baby turned one!

Dear our sweet baby Jack,
It is the evening of your first birthday and we just put you to bed, our amazing one year old.  One year ago today we were blessed with you, this perfect bundle of joy, more than we could have ever hoped for, more than we could have expected.
You were born to move from day one.  Even the nurses commented about how strong you were, you stood up in the sink for your first bath!  At 10 ½ weeks you were rolling over, 5 months you were sitting up, you crawled at 7 months and by 10 ½ months you were fully walking.  And now you pretty much just run everywhere :) 
You love anything with wheels – toy cars, trucks, your stroller – and you often turn them upside down just to spin the wheels round and round.  You also love, love, love books (which makes mommy very happy).  Every morning when daddy gets you out of your crib you head straight for your bookshelf and start pulling out books to read.  Even though you are constantly on the go, you will always sit and read a book or two.  Currently your favorite ones are any of the “lift-the-flap” books that we have. 
You love food and you are a great eater!  Your favorite foods are yellow squash, blueberries, grapes, yogurt, bananas, zucchini, and cheese.  You are always interested in what we are eating and will try anything we give you (even though it doesn't always stay in your mouth).  You especially love eating our cereal off our spoon (not your baby spoon).
You say a few words, including “dada”, “moma”, “dog” (more like “dah”).  Even though you don’t say much yet, you sure do understand a lot!  For example, if we ask you to put your bowl away, you will walk into the kitchen and put your bowl in the cupboard!  When we say “how big is Jack?”, you lift your hands above your head (so big!) and if we ask you how old you are, you hold up one finger!  You also know where your belly, head, and mommy or daddy's nose is.  You are so smart and we are incredibly proud of you.
You are more than we could have ever hoped for - a healthy, happy, perfect little boy who fills our day with laughter and definitely keeps us on our toes.  Happy birthday little man!

Mom and Dad

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