Tuesday, April 24, 2012

7 months

Our beautiful boy is 7 months old and once again, this last month has flown by!  What has Jack been up to recently?
Chewing on everything (no teeth yet, but we SWEAR he's been teething for the last month)

Crawling, dumping out his toys and getting into absolutely everything (cabinet locks are on en route)

And giving us lots of smiles!

Here are a few other things that Jack has been doing:
  • Eating, eating, eating! He loves all vegetables (beets, zucchini, spinach, carrots, yams, eggplant, and more!) and had his first fruit (banana) this week.
  • Pulling himself up to standing - he's still not totally stable but I'm sure it's just a matter of time
  • Wearing size 9-12 month clothes
  • Sitting in the grocery cart like a big boy
  • Listening to music - he loves Sesame Street songs and Casper Babypants :)
  • Hanging out with his friends - we go to preschool one day a week, meet with our PEPS friends every other Sunday and hang out with his BFF Cameron as much as possible.
  • Moving, moving, moving!  This little darling doesn't stop moving from the time he wakes up in the morning till he falls asleep at night.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

He crawls!

I guess it's time to put up the baby gates because this kid is on the move!  Jack has been trying so hard to crawl for the last few weeks and this morning he finally put all the pieces together.  The best part is that Paul was home to see it, we are such proud parents! 

Now I'm off to babyproof the house :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

My perfect day

Saturday most definitely did not start out like a perfect day, not even close.  After a poo-splosion (the new word around our house) where we ended up just throwing away the clothes, we bathed Jack and Paul left to meet his family for pizza before the Sounders game.  The plan was then for Jack and I to meet Paul downtown for the game after his morning nap.  All was going according to plan until I got to Seattle.  Finding parking was a nightmare, I was on the verge of being late (and I HATE being late) and then when I got Jack out of the car there was another poo-splosion.  Yep, poop all over his new, white Sounders outfit.  At this point I would definitely be late.  As soon as he was changed (which mirrors a WWE match these days) we rushed to the pizza place.  At this point it was time for Jack's afternoon nap, I was stressed and he was crying.  But I'm happy to report that we made it to the game, Jack ended up falling asleep in the front pack and I calmed down.  Was that my perfect day?  No, it was after the game that the perfection happened. 

Later that afternoon we headed out to Greenlake for a relaxing stroll in the sunshine.  Jack got to swing, play in the grass (his first experience with grass!), and I relaxed while Paul threw a stick for Savage.  As I was soaking up the sun I realized that everything that had happened that morning didn't mean a thing.  Babies will cry, poop happens...but at the end of the day I have the perfect little family and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


After giving Jack his Easter basket, we headed to church with Paul's family then had a nice lunch at Brooksie's house.  We love having "firsts" with Jack :)

Happy birthday Cohen

Our nephew Cohen turned 4 years old and we were so glad we were in town this year for his party!  The funniest part of the day was when we tried to get a photo with all 4 cousins.  Cohen made it clear that he was not a fan of this idea but he was SUCH a good sport - especially when Jack started playing with his ear and Marielle was trying to crawl over him to get to Jack.  I'm sure this was exactly what Cohen wanted to do on his birthday.

There was NO way we were going to get them all to look at the camera, but I think these are much better because of the memory :)  Happy birthday Co!

Monday, April 2, 2012

The best toys

Sometimes the best toys are things we have around the house!  Dana gave us an Easter cake pan yesterday and Jack thoroughly enjoyed banging on it with a measuring cup - hours of entertainment.  :)