Chewing on everything (no teeth yet, but we SWEAR he's been teething for the last month)
Crawling, dumping out his toys and getting into absolutely everything (cabinet locks are on en route)
And giving us lots of smiles!
Here are a few other things that Jack has been doing:
- Eating, eating, eating! He loves all vegetables (beets, zucchini, spinach, carrots, yams, eggplant, and more!) and had his first fruit (banana) this week.
- Pulling himself up to standing - he's still not totally stable but I'm sure it's just a matter of time
- Wearing size 9-12 month clothes
- Sitting in the grocery cart like a big boy
- Listening to music - he loves Sesame Street songs and Casper Babypants :)
- Hanging out with his friends - we go to preschool one day a week, meet with our PEPS friends every other Sunday and hang out with his BFF Cameron as much as possible.
- Moving, moving, moving! This little darling doesn't stop moving from the time he wakes up in the morning till he falls asleep at night.