Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Good little eater

Jack has been eating solids for almost 2 months now and has liked everything that he's tried so far.  We're determined to exhaust every vegetable before introducing fruits and we are so thankful that so far he's a good little eater!  This morning's attempt was spinach - success!  Despite the amount of food on his face, he really did eat quite a lot :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Half a year

Our little man is already half a year old - half a year!  In this same amount of time we will be celebrating his first birthday, holy cow!  But before I get ahead of myself, let's live in the now.  Right now Jack is a happy, healthy and curious little guy. 

  • He's wearing 6-9 month clothes, weighs 18 pounds and is 26 inches long.  
  • He is eating solids and has tried (and liked) everything so far which includes yams, peas, green beans, cauliflower and oatmeal.  (He also loved squash, but it didn't love him.)  
  • He sits up like a pro and really wants to crawl but can't quite figure out how to go forward just yet.
  • His recent obsession is the dogs.  He is absolutely enthralled with them and will stop whatever he is doing to watch them (which can make eating a little challenging at times)
  • His giggle is most definitely the cutest sound in the world and we have discovered that he's ticklish 
  • EVERYTHING he can grab goes in his mouth
I could go on and on about this perfect little guy, he is such a blessing!  

Monday, March 19, 2012

Last minute travel plans

"I have to go work in Michigan for 2 weeks, you and Jack get to come, and we leave in 2 days"  This is what I heard when Paul came home from work one Friday.  Getting packed and ready to be gone for that long with a baby was a bit stressful but I am SO thankful that Jack and I had the opportunity to travel with Paul rather than stay home without him.  What did we do for 2 weeks?

We gave Jack his first "sink bath" which he absolutely LOVED.

We heard lots and lots of giggles!

We did laundry (I am so thankful we had an apartment!)

And we even had time over the weekend to visit Henry Ford's estate and take a tour of the Ford plant where we got to see the F-150 being made on the assembly line.

Packing, traveling, being gone for that long, etc. was wonderful for us as parents.  Situations that stretch our comfort zone make us stronger.  Thank you God for those opportunities.